Some things aren’t just “part of the job.”

First Responders and Military Members, at times face traumas that are difficult for the general public to comprehend, though the public tries their best to empathize. We find that at times, even amongst our own colleagues with whom we work alongside, it may be difficult to express our inner emotions because it may be hard to talk about “work”.

This is why Boots On The Ground (BOTG) was established. BOTG provides First Responders and Military Members with an anonymous helpline wherein they can receive anonymous trained peer support from people who have “been there”, people who walk in their shoes.

Paramedic inside an ambulance.
24/7 Peer Support

Boots on the Ground Alberta (BOTG-AB) is the first chapter of BOTG. Our aim is to provide an anonymous helpline specifically for First Responders and Military Members based in Alberta. We are trained volunteer professionals. We are not therapists. Our central goal is to actively listen to First Responders on our 24 hour helpline. Colleagues phone our helpline when they are in need of having difficult conversations, when they are in despair, when they are going through hidden trauma, and when they are temporarily away from the job due to work related stress or injury. We have no call display and we do not judge the caller.

BOTG-Alberta is able to keep helping First Responders, including Military Members, because of the generous donations from people like you!

Please consider making a donation of any amount by clicking on the “Donate Now” button on our website.